Tsukasa Taiko 16th Anniversary Celebration
TIX ON SALE: https://tl16.brownpapertickets.com/
Taiko Legacy is one of the largest Taiko drumming concerts in the U.S.Midwest. This perennial presentation reunites professional contemporary and classical performers alongside enduring community members to celebrate over two decades of artist directed performance.

The multigenerational ensemble Tsukasa Taiko anchors the traditional musical relationship between shamisen, dance, and taiko. The often-overlooked melodic capacity of the taiko is unattainable without a thorough awareness of the origins and craft of the traditional Japanese music. This ensemble performance explores the concept using original compositions and arrangements rooted in a broad range of musical styles including: ozashiki (geisha chamber music), minyo (folk music), ohayashi (classical/folk/theater music), and matsuri taiko (festival taiko music).

This year's featured guests include San Franciscos Melody Takata and the Gen Ryu Arts and three classical music grandmasters from Japan: Chizuru Kineya, Hyakkyou Fukuhara and Shijuro Tachibana.


シカゴ現代美術館ホールでの恒例となった「太鼓レガシー」第16回コンサート。お馴染みのシカゴ藤間流・秀舞会のほか東京から江戸長唄三味線の稀音家千鶴、東京から篠笛の福原百恭 、鳴り物の立花志十郎などがレガシーコンサートに再到来。和太鼓、日本舞踊、マルチリズムパーカッション、シカゴジャズ、コンテンポラリーミュージックなど、様々な芸能文化の融合が生み出す一夜限りのパフォーマンスをお楽しみください。


Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago

(220 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60611)

More Info (External Link)
August 26, 2020

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